Open Source

Open Source

As part of our ongoing R&D efforts, Sensmetry is committed to the creation of open source technologies which are free for anyone to use, study, and contribute to.

We invite the community to evaluate and apply our first open source project SysIDE: SysML v2 Modeling IDE designed for modeling in the next-generation systems modeling language SysML v2. We welcome and look forward to feedback, contribution and collaboration!
Open Source preview


SysIDE: SysML v2 Modeling IDE

Model with ease in SysML v2 using our extension SysIDE!

Sensmetry is proud to introduce its open source project SysIDE: SysML v2 Modeling IDE designed for modelling in the next-generation systems modeling language SysML v2.

SysIDE is a language server for SysML v2 and KerML 2023-02 release specifications, with an extension for Visual Studio Code.

This extension provides a suite of features which support fast and efficient programming in the SysML v2 language, including: autocompletion, code navigation, semantic highlighting, formatting, syntax validation, reference search, folding, document symbols, renaming, documentation on hover.

As this is an open source project, we very much encourage your feedback, please do so at CONTRIBUTE.md. Thank you for your cooperation!

Download our extension from VSCode Marketplace or Open VSX Registry.
SysIDE: SysML v2 Modeling IDE preview